Camel Cricket


Actual Size: ½ to 1.5”

Characteristics: Long antennae. Bodies are light or dark brown with dark bands.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: No

Habitat: Drawn to sheltered and damp locations. Often found in basements, garages, and crawl spaces.


  • Can live for up to two years.
  • Do not chirp and are more closely related to katydids.
  • Leaps into the air when frightened as a defense mechanism.

Camel Crickets in Memphis TN Metro Area

Camel crickets earned their name due to the rounded hump on their backs, which resembles the hump of a camel. They are also known as “cave crickets” or “land shrimp,” and despite their name, they are more closely related to katydids than true crickets and do not produce chirping sounds. These crickets are commonly found throughout the United States and tend to migrate indoors during hot and dry weather. They have been known to feed on clothing and lace curtains. Given their size and remarkable jumping ability, camel crickets can be quite unsettling for homeowners.

Camel Cricket Habitat

Camel crickets have a preference for damp and dark surroundings. In outdoor settings, you can typically find them residing in leaf litter, beneath logs or stones, within tree holes, hollow logs, or stacks of firewood, as well as other cool and moist areas. During the autumn season, they may enter homes in search of a place to overwinter. Commonly, camel crickets are found in crawl spaces or basements, occasionally in significant quantities. However, they can also be discovered in living areas, garages, storage rooms, and even in attics of two-story homes in large numbers.

Camel Cricket Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Camel crickets are not known to spread diseases or bite humans. However, they can become bothersome if they find their way inside a home, causing damage to houseplants, clothing, and fabrics. These crickets are active during the night and are often noticed by homeowners when the lights are turned on in a dark room. When feeling threatened, camel crickets have a tendency to leap, which can be quite unsettling when homeowners switch on the lights in their basement or garage. If you suspect a camel cricket problem on your property, it is advisable to reach out to your local exterminators for assistance.