What is the lifespan of a mosquito in Cordova, TN |  Allied Termite & Pest Control

Mosquitoes often become a major problem in the middle of summer when the weather is warm, people are outside, and these pests have had a chance to lay lots of eggs. Since mosquitoes only live for a couple of weeks—pretty much just long enough to reproduce—it’s important to understand their behaviors so you can disrupt the breeding process. Knowing about the life cycle of a mosquito can help you stop infestations before they even have a chance to start.

Stages in a Mosquito’s Life Cycle

The entire mosquito life cycle takes place over roughly two weeks, and it’s made up of four distinct stages. Here’s a breakdown of the four stages of a mosquito’s life cycle and what they look like:

  • Egg: Right before dying off, a female mosquito will deposit eggs into a body of still or slow-moving water. If the weather is cold, the egg will remain dormant until the following warm season. Or, if temperatures are higher, the egg will hatch shortly after being exposed to the water.
  • Larva: After hatching, the mosquito enters the larva stage. They look like tiny wriggling worms at this point, and they spend most of their time feeding on micro-organisms in the water around them. Most species reach the surface of the water to get air, and they will molt several times before hitting the next stage.
  • Pupa: Just before emerging from the water as an adult, the mosquito becomes a pupa. Almost like a caterpillar, they enter a special skin that protects them as they grow from a worm-like creature to a more recognizable adult mosquito. They do not feed at this time, instead just floating inside the water.
  • Adult: After emerging from their pupal skin, the mosquito is a fully-fledged adult. Males feed on nectar before breeding, while females spend their time looking for a blood meal that will provide them with the nutrients they need to lay eggs and start the cycle over again.

Allied Mosquito Life Cycle Info Graphic

Where Do Mosquitoes Lay Eggs?

Since mosquito eggs need water to survive and hatch, females look for still or slow-moving water when trying to reproduce. However, they only need a small amount to get the job done; even a half an inch can be enough to attract these pests. Common areas where mosquitoes lay eggs include:

  • Abandoned kiddie pools
  • Old flower pots
  • Overflowing gutters
  • Puddles
  • Lakes and ponds

How Many Eggs Do Mosquitoes Lay at a Time?

A single female mosquito can lay up to 100 eggs at a time, and these eggs are very durable. They can withstand low temperatures even if the water freezes over, and they can even dry out for up to 8 months without dying off. That said, they only hatch when the weather is mild or warm and they have access to moisture.

Do Mosquitoes Die After Laying Eggs?

Unlike some pests, mosquitoes don’t die right after laying eggs. Females can actually reproduce up to three times before they die, which means a single mosquito could lead to three hundred more over the course of a few weeks.

Do Mosquitoes Die in the Winter?

Since mosquitoes seem to disappear in cold weather, a lot of people assume they die off. However, both adults and eggs actually enter a hibernation-like state called diapause. During this phase, their activities slow down and their life cycle pauses until conditions are more favorable. That’s why, even though mosquito problems seem to get better in the winter, infestations can get even worse the following year.

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

Disrupting the life cycle is the best way to eliminate mosquitoes. By preventing these pests from breeding, you’ll lower their populations and eventually enjoy a pest-free backyard. But, with how sturdy mosquitoes are, this can take a lot of effort. You have to take action all year long if you want to keep an infestation at bay.

Dealing with mosquitoes isn’t easy, but it can be a lot less stressful with an expert by your side. At Allied Termite & Pest Control, we offer year-round mosquito control that will rapidly reduce these pests near your yard. Over time, we can prevent them from reproducing near your property and significantly reduce your risk of getting bitten when they come out to feed. If you want to get rid of your mosquito problem fast, get in touch with our team.

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