What attracts mosquitoes in Cordova, TN |  Allied Termite & Pest Control

During the reproduction phase, mosquitoes will search for water that is stagnant and still. Places such as pools, marshes, ponds, play sets, and more could all be breeding grounds for mosquitoes on or near your property. When looking for a “blood feed”, female mosquitoes are attracted to your blood, your scent, your breath, and even your blood type! It is still not clear why some people are “mosquito magnets,” but all people are subject to being bitten.

Why Are Mosquitoes in My Yard?

Mosquitoes are attracted to areas with standing water. In the spring and summer in Memphis TN Metro Area, mosquitoes will be drawn to several areas in your yard. In a typical yard, mosquitoes can be commonly found near gutters, pools, spas, play sets, ponds, gardens, and bird baths. If they can find standing water, chances are it will be used to lay eggs. You will likely see an increase in their activity during the spring and summer as they are most abundant in the warmer parts of the year.

What Attracts Mosquitoes to Humans?

Whether you know someone prone to mosquito bites or have suffered from them yourself, there is an air of mystery around what attracts mosquitoes to certain humans more than others. There are three main things mosquitoes are attracted to:

  1. Breath. The female mosquito has a long antennae and organs that can sense odors. These body components are hardwired to target carbon dioxide, which is what humans exhale when breathing. High concentrations of carbon dioxide can be sensed by a mosquito more than 150 feet away. This will make mosquitoes gravitate toward the direction of humans.
  2. Blood. We all possess the one thing mosquitoes need to survive: blood! Once the mosquito has located a human, she will use her proboscis to pierce the skin and suck the human blood. Researchers have noticed that people with Type O blood may be more susceptible to bites than those with Type A. Further, the genetic makeup of a person can also account for many factors that make a person prone to mosquito bites.
  3. Scent. Research has shown that mosquitoes are more attracted to certain scents. Substances like uric acid, lactic acid, and ammonia released from the glands in your skin can attract mosquitoes. Those that have a higher body temperature or perspire more often are attractive to mosquitoes. Even floral fragrances and perfumes worn can be attractive to these insects.

What Attracts Mosquitoes in Memphis TN Metro Area?

If your yard has become a haven for mosquitoes and someone in your family is a known “mosquito magnet”, spring and summer time can be a nightmare. Always contact a mosquito exterminator for help making your yard less attractive to mosquitoes before mosquito season each year.

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