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How do You Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Your Carpet?

Bed bugs most commonly live in mattresses, but they are also known for infesting carpets! It may seem likely they would burrow deep into the carpet, however, they typically stay close to the surface. Fortunately, this makes it easier to see and clean them up from your carpet.

There are several steps you can take to remove bed bugs from your carpet. Bed bugs are difficult to eliminate from a home, so having a professional treatment is always recommended, however, these steps can make a drastic improvement in the severity of an infestation. The following steps for carpets and rugs include:

  • Prepare a vacuum that has a bag so the bugs can be properly sealed.
  • Distribute diatomaceous earth on the floor that will be vacuumed. 
  • Begin vacuuming the areas thoroughly, at least two to three times. 
  • Feel free to repeat steps 1-3 multiple times. 
  • Remove the bag from the vacuum cleaner and seal properly. 
  • Consider shampooing or steam cleaning the carpet or rugs. 

These steps can aid in reducing the population of bed bugs, however, this will likely not end the infestation as a whole. An aggressive approach to multiple areas of the home is often needed to remove all bed bugs, which is why contacting an exterminator is recommended when dealing with a full-blown infestation.

Person vacuuming a carpet - Allied Pest Control in Memphis TN

Do I Have Bed Bugs or Carpet Beetles?

It is common for individuals to mix up carpet beetles with bed bugs. Finding these bugs can be alarming, so how can you be sure that what you are seeing is a bed bug? Their appearance can help enlighten you on what insect you are dealing with. For example, bed bugs do not go through a larval stage, while carpet beetles will look like small, fuzzy caterpillars.

Do You Need to Get Carpets Professionally Cleaned After Bed Bugs?

When a team of professional bed bug exterminators come to your home and manage your infestation, you can trust that the bugs have been controlled. Having your carpets or rugs professionally steamed or cleaned after an infestation is an effort in cleanliness more than bed bug prevention. High heat is a sure way to tackle bed bugs, so having any other treatments would certainly help to kill off lingering bed bugs. If you do decide to have carpets cleaned, talk to your technician about how long after treatment you should wait to have carpet cleaning

Calling a professional bed bug exterminator is your first step in getting rid of bed bugs for good. At Allied Termite & Pest Control, we are here to help you every step of the way!

How do You Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Your Carpet Serving Western Tennessee and Northern Mississippi?

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